Mega Millions Jackpot Breaks 1/2 Billion But Options Trading Provides Much Better Returns Than Lotto

Get out there. For a miniscule wager, riches are a possibility. It’s a dream. Why not dream for a while. Look at it as a small investment of risk capital. That’s the thought process of many Mega Millions players. With millions of options contracts trading per day on stocks, ETFs, commodities and other futures contracts, the mentality is the same. For a small investment you might make really good returns on your money. When I traded commodities in the options trading pits between the 1980s and up to 2010, it was estimated that 90% of the people that traded commodities lost money. That’s still quite a better than Lottery players. At least commodity trading was a zero sum game. Now it’s time to look at Lotto versus options trading.
Mega Millions involves little preparation
Mega Millions involves an extremely small investment
Mega Millions involves no brokerage account
Mega Millions can take several days to know whether you were a winner

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