Five Essentials for Small Business in 2013

Small businesses must prepare for what appears to be an extremely difficult economic environment. Since the bursting of the 2008 credit bubble, U.S. consumers and financial institutions were dramatically hurt by bad debt and over levering themselves. These two vital components of the U.S. economy, that drive individual consumption which is approximately two thirds U.S. GDP, have been a drag on the economy over the last four business years. Although consumers and financial institutions have partially repaired their balance sheets, most of the debt burden was shifted to federal, state, and local governments. The size of government has never weighed so heavily on our economy and potentially runs the risk of crowding out the private sector. The Small Business Authority, on a daily basis will report on the five essential things independent business owners will need to consider to position themselves and have successful enterprises. We will report on these items on a daily basis beginning this Monday, December 10th.

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