Fan Interactivity Exploding

How many ways can the human mind devise for fans to more intimately interact with sports? Over the years, publications like Sports Business Journal and Smithsonian Magazine have asked me to speculate on what new innovations lie ahead for sports. In one article I suggested that fans would sit in a wired chair in their living room in a body suit and headgear that would allow them to feel some of the actual impact and sensations from the field of the game they were watching. I theorized that fans at home and in the stands might vote on an upcoming play call or review of an official’s call. Part of our stadium plan in Anaheim when I was co-Chm of the Save the Rams Committee included a “Sportstown” — a Disneyland of sports. It would be a tourist destination adjacent to the football stadium that would have interactive virtual reality sports rides and West Coast Hall of Fame exhibits. But Orange County went bankrupt, which put an end to those plans and the Los Angeles Rams.

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