How Does The DOMA Decision Affect Business Owners?

The U.S. Supreme Court has kept business owners busy in the past year. It started a year ago with the Court upholding the Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Now we have SCOTUS striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). I would, however, draw a distinction.  The decision on the PPACA affirmed the major provisions of a major federal law. Striking down DOMA – and punting on the California Proposition 8 case – does the opposite. In striking down a federal law, it raises more questions than provides answers. Whether you like or despise DOMA, until today it was the law of the land for how marriage was defined concerning such issues as federal taxes and entitlement programs. It goes back to the states to define marriage, at least for now, and that means different rules for different jurisdictions.

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